April 29, 2018 / By admin
Cotswolds, London style…help us to grew new business in London – get in touch with our sister company in Hampton, South West London T: 020 8941 8891 W: garlandcornelius.co.uk
Also this month we focus on planning, VAT, olympic architecture, and a delightful toll bridge at Whitney on Wye.
George Osbourne’s budget, or lack of, depending on your point of view, has once again taken a u-turn by delaying the application of VAT on works to listed buildings – for now at least. Find out more below.
Whilst planners continually fail to ‘plan’ in preference for ‘control’ of all development, planning-policy in the UK is at best – reactionary to economic cycle, rather than pro-active to economic delivery. This means that the only real opportunity in housing innovation is to pander to volume house building, or replace existing buildings with something new. Review RRA’s latest contemporary replacement dwelling below…