Project Category: <span>Education</span>

RRA Architects > Education

Balcarras Music School

November 19, 2018 / By admin

The Music School is the result of a close working collaboration between RRA, Balcarras School and Cheltenham based construction firm, Dowdeswell Estates. The scheme expanded the existing music department to deliver dedicated teaching, rehearsal & performance spaces. A key part of the design approach was to prioritise a simplicity in form, whilst integrating subtle details […]

Osterley Sports Centre

July 13, 2018 / By dale

With a multi-disciplinary team identified by RRA to facilitate delivery of the project, the study looked at methods of analysis including local significance, local competition, building and sports technology analyses as well as associated costs such as fees, preliminaries and funding opportunities. Our findings demonstrated that the prospect of creating new facilities at Osterley Sports [...]

Norwood School

May 24, 2018 / By admin

The terraces extend down the slope towards the entrance of the school site; a 'yellow-brick-road’ extending an invitation to the community to enter with the sense and promise of a reward inside. The roofscape is designed to emulate the canopy of the surrounding trees, acknowledging the its place in a woodland-oasis rather than trying to [...]

Charlton Kings Church

May 24, 2018 / By admin

Working in close collaboration with Cheltenham Borough Council and conservation department, the end result is a successful community project within an important local conservation area. The concept of the proposal, from which the form has been developed, is based upon an ‘all embracing’ spiral, to welcome the parish into the heart of the church. The [...]